Top 5 Apps To Earn Money From

Top 5 Smartphone Apps To Earn Money Easily!

Smartphone is all that every one talks nowadays. Everyone has smartphone and everyone try to use the smartphone according to their mood and according to their profession. Many people love to try many apps and games on Android and Ios, Many love to watch videos on their smartphone, Many love to shop and chat with friends on their smartphone. But what if you get paid for installing apps on your smartphone, get cash back for shopping on mobile phone and get paid to watch videos on your smartphone?

Well now you can earn from your smartphone easily without becoming a developer or anything advance. Now you can install simple apps which rewards you and give your money for installing apps, Watching videos, Referring friends, Performing tasks, Performing offers etc!

These are top 5 apps to earn money easily and from without any kind of hard work. These apps will also reward your for installing and playing games so be ready to earn from these apps below:-

01. Points2shop Smartphone App:-

Points2shop is not unknown to people and online earners on the internet and many earn many bucks and shop for free on Amazon using points2shop but did you know that now you can earn from your smartphone too using point2shop? Well you can actually using Android or IOS Phone easily! You can cashout via PayPal or even a Visa Prepaid Gift Card Wordwide. You can also shop on amazon for free if you have enough points for products but you will need to visit the PC page for redeeming it. You can download the application from the respective stores:-

Download Android Points2shopIOS Points2shop

02. Gift Hunter Club:-

This is the second site to earn free money and is on the list on second number because you can also cashout Via Payza so good for countries who don't have PayPal. This app also offers the same things like points2shop meaning install apps, games, do surveys, tasks, watch videos and offers to earn money in this app. The bad news is there is no Ios App available only android app available. You can download the app from the button below:-

Gift Hunter Club Android

 03. AppTrailer:-

If you are on smartphone then you must have known this app. Well how can you earn money from this app? The same as before but with a twist. You can also earn points for commenting on apps which is a new thing. Also you get points when you upload a video and people watch the video. If you want to download the app then you can with the link below:-

ApptrailerApptrailer IOS

04. Free My Apps:-

The app is similar to the apps that i mentioned before. You do offers, install apps and games, tasks etc and you will get money in return or even gift cards. You can use android app but for IOS you will need to use your browser and start earning.

Freemyapps AndroidFree my apps android

 05. Feature Points:-

Now this one has the same features but i know very little about the app. All i know is that you can withdraw money via PayPal after enough points and you can redeem p.oints to cash or i think gift cards.

Free my apps android app cash money

All the apps that i had mentioned also give other stuff but i didn't mentioned that because it wouldn't be according to the title of the article but you can check out yourself. If you need more information then you can contact me and also i will help you via the comments. Thank you all and remember ask me anything via comments.
